Friday, June 26, 2009

Almost 5K distance today!

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - William Faulkner

An interesting note about running is that the mornings I go running I'll feel good throughout the day and I'll have more energy. I've heard this before but never really believed it, but it's actually true. huh, howabout that!

Currently I am in week 2 of my couch to 5K program and already I'm able to run 2.5 miles. A 5K distance is 3.1 miles so I was almost there. Even though I know how long three miles is I don't know what the miles feels like on my legs. So, I mapped out the distance using an online distance calculator ( click here to use the google map I used. Very helpful!) and was curious to see how far I'd get. Today is Friday of the second week in my program so I have to run for 4 minutes and then walk for 1. Repeat 6x for a total workout time of 30 minutes. According to this map I ran/walked 2.6 miles! In week two! There are eight weeks total in this program, speaking of which, let me tell you about this program!

It's simply called "Couch to 5K", I think the title is pretty self explanatory. Those of us who have allowed our bodies to waste away on the couch of doom are now able to follow this plan and get back into the groove, regardless of your age! (by the way, you should check with your doctor before doing this to make sure you are able to take on such a venture. Some people are so obese that trying to run this program would actually hurt them. Think about this, every time you take a stride of walking you are exerting 3 times your body weight on your knee, now consider this point for running. WOW! I pulled this information that was from a study discussed in the podcast by Dr. Monte entitled Fitness Rocks!)

There are a lot of variations of this program so you'll have to see which one is best for you. Some are longer and some are shorter. Some will tell you how long to run for and walk for and others will tell you how far to run and then how far to walk. Personally I use this program from You can find another one on and you can always use a search engine to find more. Further more, if you have an MP3 player you can download the 'podcast for runners' podcast that is for the couch to 5k program. You'll listen to a host cue you when to run and when to walk. Be sure to check those out if you are interested. I opted not to use that method since I like listening to podcasts or music.

Some podcasts I can suggest are: "Fitness Rocks", "Daily Breakfast with Fr. Roderick", "Phedippidations" by Steve Runner. These are awesome, informative, and sometimes humorous podcasts which makes the running more 'tolerable'. Of course when you get into it and truly dedicate yourself you'll be yearning to go out running. These podcasts are also very inspirational and have helped me to 'switch the light on' for fitness and self improvement. Like I said, I feel great the mornings I run and people at work notice. They ask why am I so hyper today....I prefer the term energetic. Because I AM! So much more energy and your mood will be much better. The benefits of getting into shape start fairly quickly and will last a lot longer than that 89 cent cheeseburger you had for lunch today.

If you are still reading, I'm shocked. I hope you are enjoying this because I'm not really typing for people to read, necessarily, this is for me. It's sort of an accountability thing. Sure I've told people about it but they usually ask me who bif is and why is he running? oh well. I usually answer it's because bif is fat! chuckle. Speaking of accountability I have to be honest, I did 'fudge' a little. I had a large soda from jack in the box with four tacos, now, the tacos ARE made from soy, so...yea, they're ok right? right? well, maybe in moderation but the soda was unnecessary, but it sure was good! plus my wife and I got a pack of oreos, man OH MAN! those were DELICIOUS!!! I felt happy and had a wonderful chocolaty cookie after taste in my mouth. Then I stepped into the bathroom and there it was...the scale. oooooo.
"what did you do Daniel" said the scale
"who? me? ...uhh..nothing, i ran!"
"you did something else Daniel"
"uh...yea, I rode my bike!"
"No Daniel, you know what I'm talking about"
"ok ok, I ate junk food, but I run so it's ok right?"
"well, why don't you step on and find out?"
"uh, I'd really rather not, it's getting late, I have to get to bed, clean the kitchen, you know"
"yes, I do know, and I don't lie"


well, I've learned my lesson, and I think it's that I'm weak, no that's not it. I have to deal with my temptations better. I'll get there, and so will you. It's not easy, but you can thank the world for that one, with all the advertisements and conveniences for fast food and junk out there. It's no wonder 2/3 of the nation is obese!

ok I've talked enough, your eyes are probably bloodshot by now, and my fingers have had enough exercises for today.

Stay strong and get out there and RUN!


  1. I belive in you and i belive that you can do it! I know what you mean when that scale talks back to you! you already look good with the two weeks that you have been running! love you much!

  2. Lemme get this straight...the couch to 5K program rules out hamburgers and oreos?? Yeah, that program will go far in America! For the record, my doctor tells me to eat less of those...
