Friday, July 17, 2009

Almost missed a day

I've decided to do some cross training so I can get fit quicker. As of today I am halfway through my couch to five K program. Now I am able to run for 14 minutes without stopping which means I can run for an entire mile and not tire out. Or boink as the commercials say. On the days of 'rest' from running I've decided to put in Taebo workouts. Have you heard of this? Billy Banks? It's pretty intense and definitely gets you sweating. You feel great afterwards but without proper warmup you'll feel it tomorrow. Which was the case with me today.

I did the 'core express' video from the Taebo 'Amped' series. Only 31 minutes of intense workout that includes some kicks, pushups, and other various cardio and core excersices. But when I woke up today to go on my run at 5 AM I simply couldn't move. OUCH! My back was sore and my legs couldn't move. My wife yelled at me, "GET UP! YOU HAVE TO RUN!"

'...uh..' I barely squeezed out of my mouth '...i'll go later tonight...uuuhhh...'

I finally got my dead and tight body up and made some breakfast and got in the shower, I was barely able to move without some pain. "Today is going to suck" I thought as I got dressed and ready for my somewhat physical job. (I drive a bobtail truck and pick up will calls and deliver pallets worth of products to customers all over Southern California) Contemplating all day if I should go run or not kept going through my head. "I'll just wait and see how I feel"

I really wanted to get some type of running in...badly! But I didn't want to injure myself. Finally after some rest and a nap when I got home I laced up and figured I'll see how I feel after I do some stretching.

"ok" I thought "This is hurting"

But I started feeling looser after stretching (go figure right!) and went for a walk with the wife and child. Once we got to the park I felt much better and ended up running a little over a mile. I was even pacing myself, which was only 12.5 minutes per mile. I only wanted to get moving; didn't want to set any PRs. It got a little too late to stay out so my wife waved me down and said we should go home. I had ran for only 18 minutes but it was getting late. So we began walking home.

Cross training did take a bit out of me but I think I'll continue with it. Do any of you out there cross train? If so what do you do? I'd love to hear from any one who reads this. Even if it's only my wife or sister. Thanks for reading and I will chat with you all next time. Maybe next time I'll talk about smoothies and what I put in them. You may not want to be eating or drinking anything when I tell you the ingredients to my smoothies. heh heh.

Adios and keep on runnin'!


  1. I'm still looking for a proper balance, but I have a set of free weights I lift on weekdays that I don't run. Finally, a good use for my army training!

    Also, I tried Tae Bo one time, but was disappointed. The exercises weren't described very well in the videos I had, so I kept worrying I was doing them wrong and might hurt myself.

    On a side note, whenever I don't do a cool-down stretch (even after running!), I feel stiff the ENTIRE DAY! So don't forget to do cool-down stretches for running, lifting, Tae Bo, whatever!

  2. Way to go and get your self out of bed!!! I am going to start P90X shortly. Its hardcore and I know its going to hurt! Keep up the good work!
